2 Full Days Speed Reading Training Course for Polytechnic Students: “Poly Speed Reading Marathon: Two-Day Intensive Program for Reading Mastery”

Welcome to the “Poly Speed Reading Marathon: Two-Day Intensive Program for Reading Mastery” designed exclusively for polytechnic students eager to enhance their reading skills. In this dynamic and comprehensive two-day training course, participants will embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of speed reading and achieve mastery over the written word. Whether you’re striving to keep pace with academic readings, conquer voluminous textbooks, or simply desire to absorb information more efficiently, this program is tailored to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in today’s fast-paced world.

Throughout this intensive training, participants will delve into the fundamental principles of speed reading, learning how to exponentially increase reading speed while maintaining optimal comprehension. Guided by experienced instructors, students will explore innovative techniques to overcome common reading barriers such as subvocalization and regression. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, attendees will hone their eye movement, concentration, and information processing abilities, empowering them to tackle diverse reading materials with newfound ease and confidence.

Moreover, the “Poly Speed Reading Marathon” isn’t just about acquiring new skills—it’s about cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, personalized coaching, and collaborative discussions to tailor their speed reading journey to their individual needs and goals. By the end of this transformative experience, students will emerge equipped not only with enhanced reading abilities but also with a roadmap for integrating these newfound skills into their academic and professional pursuits for long-term success.


1. Understand the principles and techniques of speed reading.

2. Develop effective strategies to improve reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.

3. Identify personal reading habits and areas for improvement.

4. Learn to eliminate subvocalization and other reading obstacles.

5. Practice eye movement exercises to enhance reading speed.

6. Explore methods for efficient information processing and retention.

7. Learn to prioritize and skim through material for key information.

8. Master techniques for reading technical and academic texts more quickly.

9. Enhance concentration and focus during reading sessions.

10. Utilize tools and technologies to aid in speed reading.

11. Analyze and adapt reading strategies based on different types of content.

12. Engage in timed reading drills to measure progress and performance.

13. Develop a personalized reading plan for continuous improvement.

14. Learn techniques for reading digital content rapidly and effectively.

15. Discuss and share experiences with peers to foster a supportive learning environment.

16. Create a roadmap for integrating speed reading habits into daily academic and professional life.

In conclusion, the “Poly Speed Reading Marathon: Two-Day Intensive Program for Reading Mastery” offers polytechnic students a unique opportunity to unlock their full reading potential. Over the course of two intensive days, participants have delved deep into the art and science of speed reading, acquiring invaluable skills and strategies to read faster, comprehend better, and retain more information. Through hands-on practice, insightful instruction, and peer collaboration, attendees have not only expanded their reading capabilities but also cultivated a mindset of continuous learning and improvement.

As participants depart from this program, they carry with them not only enhanced reading skills but also a newfound confidence in their ability to tackle the vast array of materials encountered in their academic and professional endeavors. Armed with personalized reading plans and a supportive community of peers, they are well-equipped to navigate the information-rich landscape of the modern world with efficiency and mastery. The “Poly Speed Reading Marathon” marks not just the end of a two-day journey but the beginning of a lifelong commitment to continuous growth and learning.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$889.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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